Cough, Shortness of Breath - Bronchitis Symptoms and Causes

Cough, Shortness of Breath - Bronchitis Symptoms and Causes

Cough! Cough! Cough!
After spending a couple of years with numerous episodes of bronchitis, I've come to realize coughing, coughing, and more coughing is the mantra of bronchitis. Bronchitis is a respiratory disease, in which the bronchial tubes that carry air to the lungs, becomes inflamed and irritated. The irritated and swollen membranes cause chronic coughing, excessive mucus, and shortness of breath. Sometimes a person may sound like they are coughing up a lung or choking to death. With almost every breathe, coughing is generated as the person tries to clear the airways of mucus, and breathe through the rattling in their lungs. The inability to take a deep breath without coughing is what signifies bronchitis.

Another primary symptom of bronchitis is the shortness of breath resulting from the tightening of the bronchial tubes. The chest feels heavy and tight and every breath feels as if you are pushing up weight. Breathlessness makes it hard to have a conversation and talking is interrupted by little gasps of air followed by a string of coughing. It also makes you tired and exhausted because your body does not get all the oxygen it needs to function properly.

In addition to the symptoms of coughing and shortness of breath, there are other symptoms that may or may not be present. For example, fever, a lack of energy, fatigue and wheezing.
When you put a person suffering with bronchitis in a room full of people, they may have concerns over whether they will catch what you have. Well, the truth is -- maybe, maybe not. It all depends on what caused the bronchitis. If it was the flu or a cold, yes, you may catch the flu or a cold. Bronchitis is caused by a virus or bacteria from an upper respiratory infection. But in many cases bronchitis is brought on by exposure and breathing irritants, like smoke, perfumes, chemicals, pet dander, dust and other pollutants and fumes in the air.

In any given room, there are numerous invisible and microscopic pollutants and irritants that may lead to bronchitis with prolong exposure. One example is the glue used to put carpet down or even some of the chemicals, dust and mold embedded in the carpet. Another irritant is the prolonged exposure to perfumes or heavily scented products. Soaps, perfumes, air fresheners, and candles can be detrimental to a person suffering with bronchitis. These products tend to cause shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and coughing.

So the next time you see a person doubled over coughing with tears in their eyes, shortness of breath, and cannot speak without coughing, think BRONCHITIS!.
Brenda Ledermann
Chronic bronchitis sufferer
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How Does Eyelash Growth Serum Work?

 How Does Eyelash Growth Serum Work?

" So You've Heard The Rumours About A New Beauty Product
Claiming To Give You Thicker, Longer Eyelashes... "

" Brilliant!" you say.
You have a snoop around the internet to check out the products available, scanning through the bombardment of information, only to feel confused and none the wiser about how these products actually work. Leaving you in two minds whether to part with your hard earned cash or

Does this sound familiar?
Not to worry, just read on a bit further and I'll explain everything in gloriously easy laymen's terms just how eyelash growth serum works.

" The Easy Science Bit... "
Have a look at your eyelashes, what do you see?
They are all different lengths, right?
Just like the hair on your head, each hair, called a hair follicle, grows at a different rate to the one next to it. Eyelashes grow within a 90 day growth cycle. Then it falls out and a new one grows in it's place.
Are you with me so far?
Over time, hair follicles can become dormant or damaged so the hair doesn't grow anymore, but they're not dead. Think of them as sleeping.
What eyelash growth serum does is it stimulates the dormant ones at the eyelash roots to make them grow again. So it doesn't create new hair follicles, it just wakes up the sleepy ones.
This gives the effect of thicker, longer eyelashes because you now have more numerous lashes which have grown to their full potential.

" What Are The Benefits Of Using Eyelash Growth Serum? "
Besides stimulating hair re-growth, it conditions and nourishes your lashes. Think about what you put on your lashes everyday.
That's right... mascara!
Which although it opens up your eyes, frames your face and gently enhances your natural beauty, it does tend to dry your eyelashes out causing them to break and fall out sooner.
Conditioning your lashes reduces breakage, the eyelash growth cycle is not disrupted and so less eyelashes fall out.
Most eyelash growth serums on the market are very safe to use, formulated with natural ingredients and clinically tested.
One brand which is head and shoulders above the rest is from a company called LashEm.
They produce an excellent eyelash growth serum called Measurable Difference Lash Gel Serum. A bit of a mouthful, I know! So let's call it LashEm lash gel for short.
Made in the USA, it's been clinically and ophthalmologist tested, proving it's a safe product to use. And it's not been tested on animals!
Being made with safe, natural ingredients, it's hypo-allergenic and gentle on sensitive skin, causing no irritation or side effects. Even contact lens wearers can use it.
With it's easy to use wand, application couldn't be easier. Just swipe it across the lash line before bed and let it work it's magic overnight.
One tube normally lasts up to 3 months but you should start to see results within a few weeks, getting to work quickly. Please remember though, individual results will vary. For best results, use it for the full 3 months.

" No Prostaglandins Here... "
There are no prostaglandins in this product either.
"Phew!" you say. "But wait, what are prostaglandins again?"
Another easy science bit...
Prostaglandins are naturally occurring compounds in the body performing many physiological functions. One of them being to reduce pressure in the eyes for glaucoma sufferers.
Stay with me now...
A side effect of this was the growth of noticeably longer eyelashes. And this is where eyelash growth products are derived from.

However, some of these products contain a synthetic, man made, prostaglandin-like compound, either bimatoprost or isopropyl cloprostenate, which has been shown to produce some serious side effects. Such as eye irritation, iris color change, discoloration of skin at the lash line, swelling of the retina and blurred vision.
Who on earth would want to put this on their eyes!
Rest assured any eyelash growth products recommended here have been double checked for these ingredients.

" Recommended Eyelash Growth Serums Are... "
Having ranted and raved about LashEm's Lash Gel Serum, there are 2 other high quality products which work in a similar way, Revplex Eyelash Enhancer and DuLash Dual Acting Eyelash Gel.

Both are also safe to use, clinically tested, produce results and not tested on animals.
For more information on LashEm Lash Gel please visit

In Conclusion:
How do you grow thicker, longer, sexy lashes? It's simple...
An easy, once-a-day application of eyelash growth serum before bed, et voila!
More attractive, thicker, natural eyelashes without the use of false eyelash extensions.
Give yourself permission to treat yourself... Isn't it about time you tried it?
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When You Stop Pushing Your Voice, You Will Stop the Vocal Abuse

 When You Stop Pushing Your Voice, You Will Stop the Vocal Abuse

I hear from many people about their chronic hoarseness, a persistent sore throat, or even loss of voice by the end of the day. This is called vocal abuse and until you change how you produce voiced sound, you will not stop this abuse.

Most people are using only 4 of their 5 resonators to speak: the voice box, throat, mouth and nasal cavities with most of the work being accomplished by the throat and vocal cords. The 5th resonator is your chest cavity and is responsible for a deeper, richer, warmer sound. It is also the only means of increasing your volume without shouting. If your chest is not involved in your volume increase, then the result is yelling or shouting.

A few months ago, I had two conversations - both in the same day - with two men who are in their 20's and both of whom have found their 'real' voice. (Your real voice is sound powered by means of your chest cavity and not just your throat and voice box.) Both started with voices that sounded too young and did not lend credibility to their jobs. Both ended with voices that are deeper and more mature in quality. I am talking about truly marvelous instruments in both cases.
There is a difference, however, between the two men aside from the fact that they live on opposite sides of the country. The Californian is often experiencing a sore throat by the end of the day. The Jersey guy is having no problem whatsoever.

So why is one suffering from vocal abuse if he is doing it properly and the other is not? Our man from California is trying too hard and obsessing about it in the process. Even with training, if you overuse your voice on a continual basis, it is possible to experience hoarseness or a sore throat. Poor diet, lack of sleep, and even certain antihistamines can also affect the heath of the voice. Bear in mind your vocal cords are a most delicate organ.

As much as I want my clients to use their 'real' voice whenever they open their mouth to speak, I don't want them setting aside additional time to practice every day. For most people, the amount of speech which occurs during their day, whether at work, at home, or in a social situation, provides enough opportunity to make the change a habit within a relatively short time.

(By the way, a social situation does not mean sitting in a loud club for 3 or 4 hours a night and trying to be heard in a situation that deserves little or no speech!)

I recently heard from the young man in California who told me that he is no longer experiencing a sore throat. His remedy? He stopped obsessing about his voice and just let it be.

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Nancy's Voice Training site at Voice Dynamic and watch as she describes in more detail The Truth About Vocal Abuse.
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10 Benefits Of Laughter

10 Benefits Of Laughter

"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
We believe in setting people on fire - metaphorically, of course - with truly useful knowledge. Hopefully you're laughing, or at least chuckling to yourself right about now, and if you are, it means I've already managed to touch your life in a positive way. Recent years have brought about increased interest in things like laughter yoga, laugh therapy, and many more; all based on the idea that laughter is hugely beneficial to our lives.

1) Protects the Heart
Your heart is a muscle and, like any muscle in your body, it gets stronger and functions better when exercised. Regular laughter is like getting a gym membership for your heart. It increases vascular blood flow and the functioning of blood vessels, which results in increased oxygenation of the blood. This reduces the risks of a heart attack and boosts your cardiovascular health.

2) Internal Workout
Have you had a good belly laugh lately? You know the kind I mean - the hold-your-stomache, doubled over laugh that leaves you breathless and your sides hurting? Believe it or not but your internal organs are actually getting a workout, especially your diaphragm, abdomen, respiratory and facial muscles, and even your shoulders. Your muscles become more relaxed, and you feel great afterwards. And best of all: it doesn't feel like a workout at all!

3) Relieves Stress
Ever felt like you would just combust from stress, only to be told a good joke? Did it feel like your laughter was increased ten-fold, and that all the stress just melted from your mind? Well, it's been proven over and over that laughter does in fact relieve stress, and you've probably experienced it countless times.

Certain stress hormones like cortison, dopamine and adrenaline are reduced by laughter, leaving you more relaxed for up to an hour. Even better: positive hormones such as endorphins as well as neurotransmitter levels are increased.

4) Boosts the immune system
Research has shown that regular laughter actually helps boost the immune system by decreasing stress hormones and increasing anti-infection antibodies as well as T-cells in the blood. This helps ward off infections, fighting diseases like the common cold, or even cancer.

5) Social benefits
Laughter connects us with others like nothing else. If you want to see dramatic improvement in your social life, make it a point to bring humor and wit into every interaction. Not only is laughter contagious, it also helps form a deep bond between people, making petty arguments seem foolish, and taking the stress out of just about any uncomfortable situation.

The more you laugh with others, the more likely you are to be remembered for the positive energy and feelings you bring. Even intimate relationships improve with laughter, leading to more happiness and joyful relations.

6) Reduces physical pain and aches
A British study shows how just 15 minutes of laughter can increase pain tolerance by around 10 percent as a result of endorphins being released in the brain. These endorphins cause something akin to a natural "high", leading to pleasant feelings of calm, as well as temporary pain-relief.

Another way laughter helps reduce pain is by diverionary tactics - tell someone in pain a good enough joke, and it'll help take their mind off the pain, even if for only a little while. For example, a study published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing reported that patients who were told jokes after surgery and before painful medication was administered perceived less pain when compared to patients who didn't get a dose of humor as part of their therapy.

7) Improves sleep quality and reduces insomnia
Our bodies need sleep, and if we don't get enough of it, it can affect our day, lead to stress and even depression. Unfortunately in today's world the pressure from work and family life can affect one's sleeping patterns, which leads to erratic sleep and even insomnia.

Scientific research in the field of sleep and insomnia is confirming that laughter can help improve our sleep patterns by relaxing the mind and body. It's even been shown to improve the effectiveness of insomnia treatments.

8) Reduce depression
Laughing triggers the release of the feel-good hormones called endorphins which instantly put us in a good mood, helping reduce depression. In fact, in a study published in Geriatrics and Gerontology International, it was found that laughter therapy reduced depression in elderly patients by inducing an feeling of wellbeing and improving their social interactions.

9) Improve alertness, creativity, and memory
You probably had a favorite teacher at school. Chances are, they were your favorite because they managed to get you interested in the studies, got you involved and even helped you remember what you learnt. Most good teachers use laughter to get their lessons across, and for good reason. Laughter has a huge impact on our memory, level of alertness, and even creativity.

10) Attracts others to us
People are attracted to laughter, and if we're the cause of that laughter, we become that much more attractive. Relationships can be kept fresh and healthy with good humor, and in fact most divorces are a direct result of a humorless marriage.

Edan Barak is the founder of Top10Zen, a community dedicated to listing and ranking the best of everything. He is an accomplished writer, enjoys the occasional belly laugh, and enjoys living a healthy lifestyle. Click here to discover the healthiest foods to keep you stress-free and happy.
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Can You Improve Normal Digestion?

Can You Improve Normal Digestion?

People often offer remedies that claim to improve digestion. We also hear people say that they want to improve their digestion.

But what really do you mean when you say that you want to improve digestion?
Improvement in digestion is not something very obvious. People probably mean different things when they say they want to improve their digestion.

Some people mean that they really want to fix the indigestion that they are suffering from. We all have suffered at least some amount of indigestion at one or the other time.

The scientific term for indigestion is dyspepsia. There are specific symptoms of indigestion. They include, abdominal pain, bloating, belching, gas, nausea, grumbling stomach and possibly vomiting. Usually heartburn symptoms like acidic taste, acidic burps and burning in the stomach also go with indigestion.

Most symptoms of indigestion are common to various gastrointestinal ailments. This makes it difficult to diagnose or know whether you really are suffering from indigestion or not.
If you have one or more of above mentioned symptoms you can check with your medical professional to confirm whether you have indigestion or not. They will give you specific treatment plan to address your indigestion.

When you are having some of the above mentioned symptoms, it is natural to want those symptoms to go away. You do want to improve your digestion, so to speak.
But at other times, we may wrongfully attribute indigestion to being the cause of our symptoms. For example, some people feel that indigestion is the reason for their fatigue and lack of energy.

This may very well be the case, but unless your physician has thoroughly checked and diagnosed, it is hard to tell. People have a tendency to self-diagnose.
The point is that 'digestion improvement' is a misnomer. Fixing improper digestion is the more proper term. Natural digestion process is what is best for our bodies. It handles the ingested food in the best possible way.

We know that hydrochloric acid is used in the digestion of the proteins. Soy sauce has hydrochloric acid. People say that if you consume soy sauce with high protein diet, it helps with protein digestion.

For a healthy person with normal digestion, enough of hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach to digest the normal amount of protein. You don't need extra hydrochloric acid. But if you are suffering from low stomach acid, enough acid is not produced in the stomach. In such cases you can use soy sauce to aid digestion.

Similarly fruits like papaya contain digestive enzyme papain. Papain also helps with protein digestion. Just like hydrochloric acid, it can be used as an aid, when the normal digestive process is disrupted.

Soy sauce or papaya will not improve a normal healthy digestion.
It is just that many of us have one or the other type of malfunction in our digestive system and it manifests as various discomforting symptoms.

If your digestion is not normal there are ways to fix it. If you are lacking or deficient in some digestive enzyme you may be treated to resolve the enzyme deficiency. Or you may have to avoid certain foods, if your deficiency cannot be fixed.
In general you cannot improve normal digestion.

Rimas Sony is a writer with expertise in human digestion. You can check out his latest website How to Stop Foul Smelling Flatulence, where he provides details, unbiased reviews and advice about how to stop flatulence problems and promote better digestive health.
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Is Breast Implant Removal Right for You?

Is Breast Implant Removal Right for You?

Deciding to have breast augmentation surgery is not a decision to be made lightly. There are pros and cons to any surgery and of course there is always a risk when it comes to an
 anesthetic procedure. So after undergoing a successful surgery why would someone decide to undergo breast implant removal surgery?
There are several reasons that a woman may decide to have her implants removed. Some women ultimately decide that they want to go back to their natural breasts. There are also several medical reasons that a woman may undergo this surgery. A cancer diagnosis, calcium deposits, the diagnosis of a rare blood cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), deflation, shifting, or rupturing of the implants themselves, or some women can have an adverse reaction to the saline or silicone that can cause bleeding or an infection.

So now that you have made the decision (or medically it may be your only option) to have them removed what happens? The surgery itself is fairly quick, usually lasting less than an hour. The patient is usually under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Before the actual breast implant removal, the surgeon must extract the scar tissue (also known as the capsule) from around the actual device. If they were made of saline they may have to be deflated first. The good news is that the surgeon can go through the original incision for this procedure as well.
Just like any surgery, there are risks involved. Any use of anesthesia always includes the possibility of complications. The patient may have psychological or emotional issues to contend with after the procedure. Some physical risks include loose skin, sagging, infection, scarring, and sensation loss in the nipples. If sagging occurs, some women may have to contact a plastic surgeon regarding a lift procedure.

Recovery time varies from patient to patient. Much of the recovery time is determined by the reason for the surgery and whether or not replacements were put in. Following your surgeon's instructions after surgery is also very important. There will also be follow up visits to make sure the healing process is progressing smoothly.

Surgery of this type will usually cost a customer anywhere from 1,000-4,000 dollars. This type of procedure is not always covered by insurance. Insurance companies will usually cover breast implant removal if it is done for medical reasons such as cancer, leakage, or infection. In the event that a patient's insurance will not cover the procedure, most surgeons will offer some type of financing plan.

Unless the surgery has to be done for medical reasons, a woman should be absolutely sure that breast implant removal surgery is what she wants. Cosmetic surgery of any kind will eventually begin to have an effect on a person's body, and sometimes this type of surgery can require another type of corrective surgery once this procedure is performed. Regardless of the reason for the surgery, making sure that the procedure is performed by an experienced surgeon is of the utmost importance.

Talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of breast implant removal orange county surgery if this is something you are considering. The professionals here can offer useful information:
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Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

 Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

The basics are there, hydration. Yes, you are going to be hydrated when you drink alkaline water; that is to be expected. When you are thirsty and need a great way to give your body the water that it needs, this should be your first step. It will rehydrate your body and cells, allowing you to feel much better and to avoid the dangers of dehydration. Of course, alkaline water does not stop there. It may be great for the basics, but it gives you much more than just that.

While the hydration itself is great, and better than other options, another point of this is the weight loss. When drinking alkalinated water, you will be able to lose weight healthily and more quickly than you could otherwise. This is a great addition to your life when you want to be healthier and look better as a whole.

One huge benefit to this is how it is anti-aging and anti-inflammatory. This is huge for water and it is a great way to give your health and appearance the boost that it needs. This will help you to avoid dangers in the future along with annoyances with aging. As the years go by and life happens, you will be able to look beautiful and be healthy. While it cannot protect you against everything, it does a great job and it is highly effective.

One good video reference is to be found in YouTube. The following link will give you more information about the benefits of the water:
For those who may not know, too much acid is bad for the body. When you have an acidic body, you are not going to be as healthy as you should be. Alkaline water is the solution to this problem. It will balance out your body so that it is not overly acidic. This will help you to be healthier in a way that other options cannot offer, and in a way that is completely natural and healthy. I am referencing another video explaining the acidity, the PH balance, and the alkaline benefits.

Alkaline water has many health benefits for our bodies. It will hydrate your body effectively and it will be good for you overall. The taste of the alkaline water is better than any other regular or tap water in the market. Try it, as a slogan from an alkaline webpage in states it, "Once people try Dream Tree Alkaline Antioxidant Water, they will never stop drinking it!."

To supply yourself with alkaline water, you can buy your water from any water company selling the healthy alkaline water. I recommend you buy the water from the Dream Tree brand. You will be able to buy bottled alkaline water or the gallons of water from them. Having access to so much of this water makes it easier to lead a healthier lifestyle, one that is simple and beneficial. To find a water location, go to and search for Alkaline Water or visit to view some of the locations where the water is sold.
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Getting The Ideal Osteopath

Getting The Ideal Osteopath

During Anatomy class, we have learned that our body is interconnected. All organs and systems present as well as running in our physique are related in some ways. Therefore, when we feel pain in a particular area, it is not safe to assume that the cause is also located in the same spot as some organs or systems may have contributed to the affliction. This statement is further supported by osteopaths.

An osteopath, basically, is someone who treats individuals who are sick or suffering from extreme pain. He or she does this by pushing and moving bones and muscles. For him or her to treat his or her patients efficiently, he or she first needs to understand the complex relationship existing between nerves, skeleton, connective tissues, muscles, and joints.

At the moment, the market is already full of osteopathy centers furnishing back ache and muscle pain therapy. However, it is imperative to note that not everyone is created equal. There are those that really provide excellent service and of course, there are those that don't. Hence, experts remind folks to always be careful.

When attempting to get an osteopathic treatment, make sure to look for these criteria, as maintained by health professionals:
First is license. Always make certain you are dealing with an accredited and registered osteopath. Of course, you wouldn't want your body to be at risk, especially if your selected practitioner is a bogus. As such, before undergoing any treatment, check the license ID and number of your doctor and make sure they are real.

Another thing you must look into is their education and training background. Almost every year, new breakthroughs and studies are coming out. And certainly, you want those new technologies to be applied to you, especially if they have been proven to be more effective as compared to existing treatments.

According to specialists, it is ideal to pick an osteopath who has already attended trainings and seminars about manual and movement therapy, spinal compression treatments, sports medicine, neurological pain, cranial osteopathy and other pertinent treatments as well as injuries. With this, you are guaranteed that your preferred practitioner really knows what he is undertaking.

Last but not the least, the personality of the doctor. Osteopathic procedures don't run once only. Most of the time, you have to undergo repeated sessions to ensure that your back aches are treated well. Thus, picking an osteopath who has the same personality as yours will make the treatment more relaxed. As reported by several studies, the majority of individuals decide not to continue their treatment because they find their doctor hard to work or partner with.
Read more info here.
Better Health is the clinic to visit when you want to have the best osteopathy service in the market.
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Spinal Surgery and Recovery - Are You A Caregiver?

Spinal Surgery and Recovery - Are You A Caregiver?

When a spouse or family member undergoes any kind of spinal surgery, it is important that post-surgical recovery includes the help of a caregiver according to advice from physicians. Patients returning home after an operation usually have many types and kinds of limitations and are not able to function as well as desired until the pain has subsided and the surgery has healed. The position of a spinal surgery caregiver is an essential one and an arrangement that should be worked out before having the operation as this person is an important part of the patient's recovery once the procedure has been done.
  • Supportive Help - After a procedure like spinal surgery, most patients will be tired, dejected, or painful for a while as the body recovers from anesthesia and the operation itself. A caregiver who is supportive and compassionate is important and the best way to help patients recover quickly. Recognize any discomfort and possible complaints that may happen while providing encouragement.

  • Post-Surgical Help - Depending on the patient and the surgery, there may or may not be instructions to change a bandage covering the surgical incision. The incision itself should be cleaned as recommended and caretakers should inspect the site for signs of infection, unusual pain, or poor healing. Increased drainage, pus, blood, or just redness may need a call to the surgeon's office. Give the patient medications and painkillers at required times and be sure adequate fluids are being given to stay hydrated. An initial poor appetite should improve over a few days.

  • Safe Home Environment - During recovery from spinal surgery, patients are susceptible to falls when moving around the house. Keep the patient's normal areas free of clutter or anything that could cause a fall. Be sure the patient's area is well lighted, keep pets out the way, and be careful of electric cords, rug edges, and other things that could cause a trip and fall. Keep frequently used items such as TV remotes, cell phones, and reading material close to the patient. This is especially important in the kitchen area, where frequently used utensils and cooking items should be kept in easy-to-reach places.

  • Recovery Protocols - Whether it means being sure that all medication is taken at the correct time or that any type of prescribed brace or other support item is being worn, a caregiver must be an extension of the hospital nursing care in the home recovery setting. It is always important that post-surgical patients follow all after-care instructions, so a second person making sure instructions are being followed is beneficial.

  •   Help As Needed - Bending, stretching and sometimes even standing for more than a short period of time can be greatly restricted in the beginning phases of recovery, so the best job that a caretaker can do is help where the patient needs help, whether getting dressed or undressed, cooking, getting things from higher places, etc.. A caretaker must act as the patient's hands until able to do more on their own.
Other useful caretaker recommendations include going with a patient for any follow-up doctor visits with the attending surgeon to learn how well the healing process has progressed as well as to know any detailed instructions that may have been given by the surgeon. Specific problems that have been noticed can be mentioned to the doctor at this time as well as any observed pain levels. Someone to help a patient through recovery is important with a spinal operation and outcomes are generally better. Caretakers should just remember to allow time to relax as well - then the best recovery after spinal surgery can be achieved!
C. Michael Hunter is an expert in interventional pain management. To find out more about the Pain Clinic Bryan, go to the main website at
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5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Their Children's Eye Sight

5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Their Children's Eye Sight

Many parents are blissfully unaware of how important the first several years of child development are for eyes. These formative years are critical to the development of good eye sight in childhood and and also determine the quality of vision your child will have in adulthood. It is therefore important to pay particular attention to signs that may be unusual and, the following points are particularly noteworthy.

1. Kids need eye tests 
- Before your child reaches school age they should get their eyes tested by an optometrist at your local opticians. This means they should be tested by the age of 4 years old if not before this. This is important because any sight problems may hinder your child's learning. Don't assume that schools will screen for this or indeed detect any sight problems.

2. Don't expect your kids to know 
- Many parents assume that because their child hasn't indicated a problem with their sight, they must be seeing perfectly well. Well, the nature of many gradual sight changes means that many people will not be aware of the effect of this change to their sight. I examine many seemingly good sighted children who come to get their eyes tested only for their parents to learn that their child requires glasses. Make regular eye tests routine.

3. Children's eyes are not born fully developed 
 - Up to the age of about 7-8 years of age the visual system and eyes of a child is still developing. This has several implications. Firstly - it means that any developmental problems with the child's sight discovered well before this age stands a good chance of being reversed with the right treatment or therapy. Secondly - it also means that any development problems discovered after this age is unlikely to be reversible because the visual system is believed to reach maturity around this age. Earlier testing and detection is therefore essential.

4. Computers do not damage sight 
- A statement that sounds a little controversial and counterintuitive, I know. However there is little if any significant research to support the notion that using computers a lot, or reading a lot for that matter, causes any damage to your child's eyes or the rate of change in their eye sight. Having said that, computers do cause known discomfort issues associated with eyestrain (over tired eye muscles) and dryness. As a result children should have regular breaks from too much computer use and reading. A minimum of 10 minutes every hour and periods of sitting back to change focus to look at objects further away should help deal with fatigue. Of course, the fact that there is no conclusive evidence of damage or deterioration in sight, caused by excessive computer use, does not mean that caution shouldn't be applied until more is understood.

5. Look out for signs of problems 
- You should pay attention to signs that may point to your child having a sight or eye problem. Examples include: Holding reading material further away - this may indicate excessive long-sightedness, requiring glasses. Closing one eye - this may indicate that your child is experiencing double vision, requiring investigation urgently. White pupils in photographs - this could be evidence of the most common childhood retinal tumor retinoblastoma, requiring urgent investigation also. Any such suspicious signs are worthy of investigation by your optometrist, so don't delay.
Martin Oguzie is a UK based Optometrist, author and writer at
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Sperm Test - What Are The Frequently Asked Questions?

 Sperm Test - What Are The Frequently Asked Questions?

A doctor usually recommends a sperm test to be carried out when a couple faces some troubles with fertility. It is carried out to check if the sperm cells are present or not after the vasectomy procedure. We all know that fertility issues are more prominent in males as compared to females but the cost of getting this test done is quite cheaper compared to a woman's fertility test. This is the main reason why health professionals would usually advise couples to check the male partner's fertility first. There are a number of men who aren't really comfortable while asking questions about this test. They usually get embarrassed when such a topic comes up.

If you have any questions in regard to this test, then this article is tailor made for you. It will offer you some great frequently asked questions that will help you in undergoing this test with absolutely no fear.
What quantity of semen is required for the sperm test?
The health clinic would usually need a man to offer around one half to a teaspoonful of semen. If you offer less than this amount of quantity then it means that there are few sperm on it. If there is more semen then it means that the concentration is diluted.

What about the special preparations required for getting a sample?
It is quite essential for a male to offer the right amount of sample. This is why if you are needed to have a sperm test on a specific date, make sure that you don't ejaculate for about 2 to 4 days before the date.

What are the common symptoms that are considered in the sperm sample?
First of all, the doctors check the number of sperm cells that are found in your semen. It is observed whether they are normal sized or not. It is an important consideration for determining fertility.

What are the causes of low motility of living sperm cells?
Genital inflammation or infection of the prostate gland can cause a lot of problems for you and one of them is low motility. This sperm test allows you to get a complete picture regarding your issue.

How is the sample collected?
Your semen sample is usually tested within 1 hour after ejaculation. Most of the laboratories need men to do it on the bathroom in order to ensure the freshness. Sometimes, the doctor offers a condom for collecting semen. They usually offer a lubricated condom.

So, this was all about the frequently asked questions in regard to a sperm test. You need to read all these questions and answers if you want to know more about this test. However, for a more detailed view you can talk to your doctor carefully and ask him everything about the test. Without proper help and guidance, you should never go for this test as it is a very complex procedure. Internet too is a great source for information on this topic. If you have any queries then you can surf the net.

In case you want to go for a Sperm Test then you don't have to worry about anything. Our website will offer you complete information on Sperm Test techniques.
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Getting Into Shape Without Any Stress

 Getting Into Shape Without Any Stress

If you're tired of wearing baggy shirts and equally baggy jeans, afraid to look at the mirror or step on a scale, then it's time to do something about it. It's time to start finding the right weight loss program that will not only help you shape and sculpt your body but also make it a healthier one. The key is choosing one that will not stress you out but encourage you to keep at it.

Of course, it is important to do things right so you don't compromise your health in the process. To help you get started, here are some useful tips that will help you build strong muscles without the worries of those stressful issues and all.

When we talk about supplements, it is important that you choose the one that will provide you the best results. If you wish to lose weight and build strong muscles then better find the kind of supplement that is actually high in protein and potassium. However make sure that this supplement will not only complement your chosen weight training but will also be an exact fit to your fitness goals.

If your goal is to build muscle, then you should concentrate on supplements with BCAAs and whey protein. These will promote protein synthesis and keep your muscles from breaking down and entering a catabolic state during training. Tailoring your supplements to your fitness goals ensure you get the body you want and a healthy one at that.
Supplements also make sure you can keep up with your workouts at an ideal pace and also helps you keep focused and alert. You will need a complete stack of pre, intra and post-workout supplements though to ensure you keep yourself in tip top shape to do your routines.

In choosing the right workout program, you will also need to first understand your body type, of which there are three basic types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Ectomorphs usually means you are lean in build and might have difficulty in gaining weight or muscle while being a mesomorph means you are muscular with a hard, rectangular build and won't have any difficulty gaining weight or muscle and as an endomorph you have a plump body with a soft build and you are prone to have difficulty in losing weight.

It is important that you apply the right kind of workout if you wish to develop strong and firmer muscles. Again, your workout regimen should fit your fitness goals and in order to make sure you come up with the best routine, you need to consult a qualified sports physician who will not only advice you on the right kind of training but also the supplements and diet that you need to complement it.

Visit Nutritionwarehouse to get more details about jack3d in Australia. Check it out to find out how you can have a healthier life.
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Orthopaedic Conditions That Require Spine Surgery

Orthopaedic Conditions That Require Spine Surgery

Spine surgery is a major surgery that is often the last option for most surgeons due to the complexity and risks involved. Any slight mistakes or accidents can cause permanent paralysis of the body depending on the affected nerves in the spine. Surgeons will often recommend alternative treatments such as medication and physical therapy and when left with no other choices will they opt for spine surgery. With such high risks involved, what are some orthopaedic conditions that require spinal surgery to be carried out?

Herniated disc
A herniated disc occurs when one of the spinal disc in the vertebrae slips or ruptures, causing the soft disc materials to flow out of the disc. When the disc flows out, the movement and material can pinch on the surrounding nerves, causing pain and numbness. A discectomy will need to be carried out to remove this herniated disc that is pinching onto the nerve. A modern evolution is the microdiscectomy which uses high definition microscope to see better and is minimally invasive, reducing the risk.

Foraminotomy is performed to relieve pressure from an affected nerve in the spine. This pressure is caused either by bone fragments, scar tissues or excess ligament development in the spinal area, causing it to press against the spine and causing pain and numbness. 
Foraminotomy will open up the back where the nerve roots leave the spinal canal, reducing the chances of pinching.

Spinal fusion
As the name suggests, spinal fusion aims to join 2 or more vertebrae together to prevent excessive movement which may pinch onto the nerves. Loose vertebrae can press against the nerves during movement, causing pain and numbness. It will also prevent the surrounding soft tissues from stretching. Spinal fusion is based on the simple logic of "if it doesn't move, it doesn't hurt". Similarly to welding in metals, spinal fusion will fuse the vertebrae together. This process however will reduce some flexibility in the spine but this is very minimal.

Artificial lumbar disc replacement
Artificial disc replacement is a new surgical process that uses man-made biomaterials to replace the affected intervertebral disc. The purpose of the spinal disc is to cushion the shock and distribute it evenly. Since the spinal discs do not regenerate as easily as our skin, biomaterials will need to be used to restore flexibility and motion.

Above are 4 orthopaedic conditions that warrant the usage of spinal surgery. Although the risks are there, medical advances have significantly reduced the risks and recovery time. Nonetheless, the risks are still present and serious considerations must be made before deciding on such major surgery as this.

We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all spine injuries and sports injuries.
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How To Create A Perfect App For Health And Fitness

How To Create A Perfect App For Health And Fitness

One of the multiple duties a smartphone can handle, is being a fitness coach of ours. All we have to do is equip it with the necessary apps. Meanwhile we must motivate ourselves to keep fit (however, if an app motivates us, it's even better). Health & fitness mobile applications are usually divided according to the preferences of users. Some are devoted runners, some need motivation for a daily workout, some want healthy nutrition and need to keep track of calories. But what if we unite the things that our smart assistants do? Here is the picture of a unified mobile tool our devices can wield.

Exercise is a routine. The task of such application is to reduce the feeling of routine, motivate the user with feedback, and provide all the tips and information that might be required; and store it thereafter. For all the health-concerned, cycling fans, avid runners, yoga followers - a perfect health & fitness application can take on four major functions.

A Personal Coach
A highly customizable mobile coach should know everything that can be helpful to the user. These are libraries of exercises and workout programs for various muscles. A multitude of exercises should include instructions with pictures (and even streaming videos which look even better in a tablet-optimized application). Exercises can be categorized by body parts or types of sports equipment. Workouts can be either suggested by the coach, or built according to the user's needs (e.g. losing weight) and physical state (e.g. beginner). The mobile coach has a calendar with scheduled exercises, and a timer. Every piece of data the smart coach gets from the user, allows to suggest the best training plan; as well it informs the user, what kinds of exercises lack in the workout. As an addition, there may be a real human voice to encourage for work; and a playlist made up of the music available on the device, to make exercises less monotonous.

A Diet Consultant
Create a personal diet consultant for the healthy eating habits of your users. An online-accessible food database can allow them to control their menu by calculating recommended daily calorie intake; suggest meals and recipes according to the user's statistics and diet plan. Such apps are widely used for the weight-losing purposes. The user may add chosen meals to favorites, in order to reduce the time spent on noting the whole variety of food.

A GPS-Enabled Tracker
The app can be set to track body stats and measurements. Runners and cyclists (in fact, fans of any outdoor activities, which are all about movement) can use the tracker/pedometer to keep record of the route, view route suggestions, length and duration, pace and speed, and surely the calories burnt in the process. Thus the user can be informed of the achievements in keeping shape.

A Health Journal
As a part of the three previous functions, the user's health journal has all the measurements logged and stored inside. This journal can be viewed anytime; the user may note the weekly goals, and share results in social networks (for example, if the user participates in a specialized community - or simply to share with friends).

There's a wide choice of software products that help people get healthier and stronger; and there will always be a demand. A mobile application is an affordable personal fitness coach; the main thing is not to overfeature, and keep the app user-friendly and simple to navigate. And one more thing: if we combine all the information required for a perfect health & fitness application, it'll need a noticeable memory storage; but everyone would prefer a lightweight app. Here's the answer: let the users access these amounts of info online, while giving them the option of downloading the needed data to the device and accessing it offline - anyplace, anytime. By creating an application for one of the most popular sections of the application stores, you can create a unique and relevant software product that will be loved by its users.
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7 Aloe Vera Benefits for Your Body

 7 Aloe Vera Benefits for Your Body

When you take a look at this plant, you might feel frightened because of its strange form as well as scary appearance. In my place, this plant is called "crocodile's tongue" simply because of its appearance. But, do you know that this plant has been used as a natural healing medicine ever since the ancient times? Yes, aloe vera has tremendous benefits for your body, and it can help you to cure many ailments that will ruin your health. It can be used as a cure for skin problems as well as many other bodily problems that you have. Here are 7 aloe vera benefits for your body:

1. It helps your digestive system
Cleansing your colon is important in order to keep your body in a cleanest and healthiest condition. Thus, having a good digestive system is necessary to keep your body health. That's because a healthy digestive system in your body will prevent toxic accumulation that can be harmful for your body in the long run. Aloe vera helps you to have a good digestive system to keep your body in a healthy condition.

2. It boosts your immune system
Without a strong immune system, your body will be easily get sick. What does it mean? A strong immune system will help to prevent disease in your body. And if you have weak immune system, aloe vera can help you to strengthen your immune system and keep your body under strong protection from disease.

3. It helps to counter aging
Aloe vera gel can help you to slowly eliminate your wrinkles and other aging problems such as fine lines, dry skin, and so on. If you apply this gel regularly, it will keep your skin in a youthful condition and it will even help you to reverse your aging process.

4. It helps to moisturize skin
If you have a dry and saggy skin, it will be very uncomfortable to look. You have to keep your skin in a moisturized condition. Aloe plant can help you to keep your skin smooth and elastic. That's because it can moisturize and rejuvenate your skin immediately.

5. It helps to prevent hair loss
Hair loss can become a big problem from you. If your hair is slowly but surely getting thinner, then it will affect your appearance significantly, especially if you're a woman. Aloe plant can help you to effectively prevent hair loss if you apply the gel as shampoo regularly.

6. It helps to treat hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids is a painful condition that anybody can experience. It makes your life really uncomfortable. Fortunately, you can drink aloe vera gel regularly in order to reduce your
hemorrhoids pain and cure it naturally.

7. It helps to treat cancer
Cancer can be a deadly disease that anybody can get. But, do you know that you can treat your cancer naturally by using aloe as your natural herbal treatment? Yes, you can drink aloe vera regularly to ease the cancer problem and it can potentially destroy the cancer tumor that can be deadly for the body.

Do you know that there are many more advantages of aloe vera that you can use in your life? Do you know that aloe vera good for skin? Learn how this plant can help you cure various skin problems immediately. CLICK HERE.
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Four Natural Ways to Grow Taller

 Four Natural Ways to Grow Taller

It is true that taller men are considered to be more attractive, hence the phrase, 'tall, dark and handsome'. If you really wish to increase your height here are a few tips to help you grow taller naturally which in turn will boost your confidence.

Your Eating Habits
Your eating habits have a direct impact on you growing taller. For you to grow taller, your meals should consist of nutritious foods essential to helping your body develop to its full potential. It's really important to have the essential minerals and vitamin in your diet, which are mainly calcium and protein, essential for healthy bone development. You will find calcium in dairy products such as cheese and milk and protein in chicken and meats.

You Must Rest/Sleep Enough
Vital for natural growth, research indicates that a person needs 8 to 10 hours sleep for the human growth hormone, responsible for developing your height, to be released effectively and this is done mostly through sleep.

Exercises to grow taller
Some exercises stretch your muscles, maintain your bones and make the entire body move well. Cycling as well as pilates/yoga is beneficial in getting taller. When cycling, the stretching of your leg muscles to reach the pedals of your cycle elongates your legs. Gym classes on the bike are great for this. There are also specific exercises that are said to be good for increasing your height; among these are stretching exercises that involve pull-ups and a range of exercises that involves hanging on a bar, which stretch the spine.

Playing ball games that include jumping, such as basketball, also enhances your height as you do a lot of jumping and stretching of the length of your body. Jumping rope and swimming is also worthwhile. The length of the spine is an important component to your height and if you want to grow taller naturally you'll have to eradicate problems in connection with the spine.

Employ Proper Posture
Correction of your posture is an important factor to growing tall. Adopt proper posture to gain back lost inches of height due to hunchback positions or other posture problems. This is why stretching via yoga positions helps in recovering those extra inches.

Our height is as a result of the human growth hormone (HGH) in our bodies. In order to grow taller you have to take care of your body to increase the production of HGH. Getting enough sleep, having proper eating habits and of course routine exercise are great factors to increasing the production of this hormone, thus allowing your body to achieve and grow to its maximum potential.

Valerie Myers is passionate about helping others achieve their height increase goals. If you want to grow taller FAST, Visit NOW Also, for a list of grow taller foods visit
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The Benefits of St John's Wort Herb

The Benefits of St John's Wort Herb

St. John's Wort Herb is a common meadowland herb that has been popular among the Europeans for centuries because of its medicinal values. The major use of this herb in the recent years has been for treatment as of chronic depression in people. The presence of various chemicals such as hyperforin, hypericin, and pseudohypericin has potential because of their suspected antidepressant activity. In fact, a number of studies have indicated that the chemicals present in this herb can act to decrease or delay the re-absorption of various neurotransmitters by the nerve cells.

Various neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and nor-epinephrine lose their activity once they have delivered their message. However, the chemicals present in St. John's Wort can help in keeping these anti-depressant neurotransmitters active for a greater period. Thus, people who take this herb can find relief against mild to moderate forms of depression even though the antidepressant activity may take several weeks to reach its maximum effectiveness.
The properties of St. John's Wort Herb include its activity as an analgesic, which helps in relieving pain. Apart from that, the common properties include antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic that means that it increases the flow of urine, and ability to act as a nutritive tonic. Thus, no wonder that this herb holds an immense promise for use in a variety of diseases.

Studies have indicated that this herb can be useful for treating obsessive-compulsive disorders and various kinds of premenstrual syndromes. In fact, it can help in combating wild mood swings that many women suffer from during menstruation. It can also emerge as a significant antiviral agent with possibility of treating various viral diseases such as herpes, shingles, and hepatitis C. Studies indicate that some of the chemicals present in this herb can possibly counter the HIV virus.

People must not take St. John's Wort with any food or alcoholic drinks because it is a MAO inhibitor. They must also avoid taking this herb with other medications such as anti-epilepsy treatments, contraceptive pills, and various medications against depression. This herb can also cause drowsiness, dizziness, stomach upset, headache, and irritability. Thus, people must take this herb only after consultation with an expert in this field.

This herb is very efficient against mild anxiety, enhancing your brain's natural neurotransmitters.You can take Saint John's Wort as powder, tea or pills. You should take one capsule per day to treat anxiety. Also, this herb has some side effects like dry mouth, fatigue and headaches.

If you want more details about St John's Wort for anxiety you can visit our website. Also, you can find tips and information about side effects, benefits and st john's wort dosage.
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How Do I Start A Low Sodium Diet?

 How Do I Start A Low Sodium Diet?

People almost always go on a low sodium diet on the advice of their doctor. Many different health issues cause doctors to recommend lowering sodium. These include heart health, a stroke, kidney health, Meniere's disease, edema, weight loss and general health improvement.
A low sodium diet contains less than 1,500 mg to 2,000 mg of daily sodium intake. That's less than a teaspoon of salt. It will seem like you cannot cut out salt entirely. For one thing, it would be virtually impossible in today's world of processed foods. So you will need to stop eating processed foods. Learn to prepare your food from scratch. You know the human body requires some sodium. The problem is that it only requires less than 500 mg a day, which is 1/6 of what the average diet contains. This low amount of sodium can be achieved by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Enough sodium and no salt needed.

So, once your doctor tells you to lower your daily sodium intake where do you begin?
A low sodium diet literally begins at home. Get rid of the salt shaker and don't use any salt to cook with. The prime suspects are actually your spice rack and refrigerator. Go through both and look at the ingredient list on every item. If salt is one of the top ingredients, get rid of it. Also look at the nutrition facts, but be careful, those can be misleading. Get rid of anything containing more than 5% of the recommended daily value of sodium.

Don't despair as you look at your cleaned out fridge and spice rack. Now it's time to refill your refrigerator with low sodium foods and your spice rack with salt-free seasonings and single herbs, spices and peppercorns because freshly ground pepper tastes best and you'll need granulated garlic and granulated onion.

Low sodium does not mean low flavor. In fact, not depending on salt for flavor allows you to explore more tastes and expand your taste buds. Chicken is the most versatile meat, and goes good with paprika, rosemary, tarragon, sage, thyme, marjoram, and unexpected spices like ginger. Beef works with oregano, thyme, sage, bay leaves, and even nutmeg or cinnamon. Dill, dry mustard, thyme, fennel and chervil are good for fish. International cuisines offer a variety of spices and flavors, and you can consider adding a little spice to your dishes such as curry blends which shouldn't contain salt. Also jerk seasonings, Italian and some chili seasonings do not have salt in them. Using different herbs, spices, salt-free seasonings and a salt substitute is crucial for lowering the sodium in your diet.

What exactly is a salt substitute?
Salt substitutes are mostly potassium chloride, which not everyone can use. Because of this potassium, many folks can detect a flavor similar to salt. Just make sure with your doctor that potassium chloride is allowed. Granules of seaweed such as kelp, are also an alternative to salt. There are many different salt alternatives available for times when another seasoning just won't do.

You can also use natural flavors to get a salty flavor without using salt. Fresh lemon has the natural flavor closest to salt, but any citrus fruit will help. Just a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, not enough to taste too lemony, will give a similar reaction as salt. Lemon zest (the yellow skin) also helps, just make sure to use fresh lemons. Different types of vinegar are good substitutes for salt. Vinegar is available in a wide variety of flavors so you can choose exactly what flavor
profile you want. Avoid seasoned rice vinegar, which usually contains salt.

Where can I find low sodium recipes?
So, now that you have low sodium foods and seasonings, what do you do with them? You can always take your favorite recipes and just substitute the new ingredients. This idea doesn't work as well as most folks hope. Your food won't taste like you are used to. Cooking without salt successfully, needs different cooking techniques and more seasoning to overcome bland. With the amount of people on no salt diets there are a lot of low sodium recipes available. Many cookbooks are easily accessible or you can simply check the internet.

Go now to get more information about salt-free, sugar-free, gluten free seasonings, a salt substitute and recipes. I invite you to sign up for our Season It Newsletter when you visit Benson's Gourmet Seasonings at From owner Debbie Benson with over 30 years experience promoting salt-free seasonings.
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Four Types of Chiropractic Therapy

Four Types of Chiropractic Therapy

Chiropractors constitute the third largest group of doctors in our country and treat about 30 million people annually. With these large numbers, it is likely that most people know a chiropractor or someone who visits one. Nevertheless, many are unaware of the wide variety of therapy that goes on in a chiropractor's office. The truth is, chiropractors do not just pop backs--they are trained in a wide variety of helpful and healthful therapies to help with musculoskeletal problems. Read on to find out more about four types of Chiropractic Therapy.

(1) Chiropractic Adjustments.
Spine manipulation, or chiropractic modification, is the most typical kind of chiropractic therapy. To perform this treatment, a chiropractic doctor will often ask the patient to lie down on a specifically designed table. Then, with physical manipulation, they will attempt to enhance movement and reduce discomfort by lining up joints, particularly the spinal column. Spinal manipulations have actually been revealed to assist treat low pain in the back and stress headaches, among other things.

(2) Heat and Ice.
Ice therapies can be extremely beneficial when done correctly, especially within the acute state of an injury (during the first 72 hours). Chiropractors are educated in the Hunting-Lewis Reaction, a process that outlines how the body changes blood flow in the presence of cold temperatures. Using this process to a patient's benefit, a chiropractor can help manage pain and reduce swelling through ice therapies. Proper use of this therapy can also help to decrease the waste products of affected cells.

Heat therapy similarly has numerous benefits. If utilized in combination with an injury, it is most beneficial within 3-6 days of the mishap. Chiropractic doctors also use heat therapy more generally for pain relief and to alleviate muscle stiffness. When heat therapy is used, the blood vessels become expanded. This change then results in a rise in blood flow. The surplus of blood helps advertise healing, relaxation, and adaptability in muscles.

(3) Electrical Stimulation.
Electrical excitement is a treatment that was first introduced over 100 years ago as a treatment for discomfort. At initially, lots of experts were hesitant, however recent research has actually shown that electricity can decrease chronic and acute pain. There are three fundamental kinds of electrical excitement: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Excitement (TENS), Interferential Current (IFC), and Galvanic Excitement (GS). All sorts of electrical therapy send low-frequency electrical currents with the afflicted area. The electricity causes the body to secrete chemicals that minimize pain that can be caused by injury, spasms, or pressures.

(4) Exercise Therapy.
Following a car crash or other accident, it is important to rehabilitate the body correctly to avoid further injury or problems. Because of this, chiropractors will often prescribe exercise.

Therapeutic use of exercise has many benefits including strengthening injured muscles, restoring aerobic capacity, increasing blood flow to injured areas, and helping patients feel confident in their ability to perform day-to-day tasks. Various exercises can be prescribed by a chiropractor, including swimming, weights, running/walking, and agility exercises.

While the abovementioned therapies are common, there are countless others that chiropractors often use, including relaxation therapies, dietary supplements, and counseling about lifestyle choices including weight loss. A licensed chiropractor is certainly a jack-of-all-trades who can use numerous tools to help a patient feel better.

Dr. Ken Andersen is the owner of Andersen Chiropractic, LLC in Sandy, UT. He and his staff specialize in giving the highest quality care at affordable rates. For more information, please visit
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A Quality Chest Workout

A Quality Chest Workout

One of the main focal points of the body for men and women is the chest. Working this area out can be somewhat cumbersome and arduous if you're not sure where to start or what to do. It's when you work on this part of your body that you will see a great deal of definition through the shoulders, arms, and pectoral region. Many times, this is the area that many focus on most, since it requires some fun exercise that can easily replace routines that you would otherwise venture forth with. For those that are looking at getting a good amount of fat displacement, it's important to look at a quality chest workout. Some ideas on how to accomplish this are listed below, so that you have an idea of what to do and how to do it.

First and foremost, it's imperative that you start slow. Do not assume that on day one you're going to work out for an hour and just focus on weight lifting. That's not the best route to take when you are starting out. In fact, that could be detrimental to your body and your life. Instead of jumping in head first, take time to build up some of the muscles that you have by doing pushups. That's right, pushups may seem a bit tough, but if you think about it, you're lifting your weight. When you use your own weight as resistance, you can start to improve slowly, displacing the cells and generating lean muscle. This also builds endurance, and you'll need that moving forward.

The second thing that you need to look into are pull ups. When you do a pull up and you do it properly, you will not only be pulling your body weight, you will be strengthening your chest, core and back. This fights gravity so that you're lifting your body up in the air with the full force of nature pulling you down and becoming resistance. This low cost exercise will do miracles for you when you apply yourself to building lean muscle and getting rid of fat deposits.

One way to make sure that you're getting a quality chest workout is to go to a gym and look for machines that specifically target the chest areas. Not just lifting on a bench, but machinery that will allow you to not only strengthen the core, but the upper body in conjunction with the pectoral muscles and more. Focusing on those pieces will help with building the appropriate mass to replace fat cells.

If your goal is to lose weight and look good, you will have to invest in one of the many different options that are out there in regards to chest work. By focusing on this crucial area, the rest of the body can become easier to manage and work on. It's important, as stated above, not to rush into lifting a great deal as this all takes time to develop naturally and get going forward with weight loss, muscle gain and pure definition.
Are you looking for more information regarding Chest Workout? Visit today!
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Getting In Shape in 3 Easy Steps

 Getting In Shape in 3 Easy Steps

Millions of people today are waking up to the reality that they need to start getting fit and into better overall shape. If you find yourself dealing with a variety of health issues and you're not sure how to go about getting fit in these modern times, than you should definitely look into a few things that will change your future today. It all starts with developing good habits and changing your lifestyle for the better. You may assume that you know how to do this, and many people do, it's just a matter of finding how to implement it into a better option. For those that are serious about getting in shape, consider the following easy steps that will change your body image for the better.

Exercise- The dreaded word that most people don't like is a not as bad as you think. When everyone was a child, there was recess and they played games. Those games didn't go away, they can still be fun today. Things like jump rope, basketball, dodge ball, running, jumping, and enjoying fun in the sun are all things that adults can do. The process is just a bit different. Take 30 minutes out of your busy schedule a day and do something fun. No matter what it is, find something you like to do and pursue it daily. You'll find that this will accelerate your weight loss endeavors.

Eating Right- Eating is a problem only if you are indulging in the wrong things. Finding a way to enjoy what you love without having to give up on everything is the key to making sure that you are losing weight in the long term. To do this, you'll need to start slow, moving towards better quality food items. Look for whole foods, fruits, salads, vegetables, and lean protein. Stay away from complicated dishes, butters, and high fat foods that have little to no nutritional value.

Drinking- The last step is going to come as a surprise to some, and it's really simple, drink more water. Make sure that you're drinking as much water as you can during your attempts to lose weight. It not only helps lubricate the joints but it also helps with sustaining appetite and helping with a variety of other issues. From the cardiovascular system to the digestive system, you're going to be gaining a great deal of benefits from more water in the system.

The above 3 steps are all easy to master and do not call for you to adhere to a strict diet or to starve yourself. There's no fun in trying to get into good shape when you're miserable. Never fall into a trap of crash diets, fads, or trends. Look for real change in the form of lifestyle differences and the above 3 steps. If you move towards the above, you will find that greatness ensues and you will be able to enjoy a greater good in these modern times. Just remember, they are just preliminary steps, the rest is up to you, and it can be great.
Are you looking for more information regarding Getting In Shape? Visit today!
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How To Build Muscle Fast - Learn More About It

How To Build Muscle Fast - Learn More About It

One of the biggest parts of getting into shape in the modern times is not just about learning how to lose weight and eat right, it's about changing the body. Sure, you could go forward and drop a lot of fat cells and pounds, but if you're not replacing those things with lean muscle, you are going to find that the shape of the body is not exactly very good. To make sure that you get a good amount of definition, and not become a super athlete, you'll want to look into a few tips that will help you learn how to build muscle fast. Remember, there are a variety of methods that you can employ, so the following should not be the only option that you take, as there are many different roads. The things stated below are to start giving you ideas on how to progress.

The first thing that you need to know is that you should eat. Do not adhere to anything so strict that you're only eating salads and water all the time. If you plan on charging ahead with serious muscle building, or at least the replacement of fat, you will have to look at eating more protein, increase your intake of vitamins and working with your own immune system to boot out the negative things. Not only that, you will need to have enough calories to help you get energy when you need it most. Once you realize that the enemy is not food, you will appreciate a more diverse array of food items.

Aside from eating right, you will need to lift weights. Some people don't like the idea of having to lift a great deal, and some are even afraid that they will bulk up to body builder status, but that's not true. Especially for women, this notion is not true at all. Don't believe the hype, you can lift and do cardiovascular exercise without having to gain serious bulk. In order to build muscle fast, the right way, you'll need to lift weights and alternate between work outs of cardiovascular methodology and lifting. These two elements should take turns, and the more you focus on only one and not the other, the more detriment you'll put to your body's system. Lift one day, do cardio another, and change up your pattern and formula.

The biggest secret to learning how to build muscle fast is simple, just do it. Set a goal for what you want your body to look like and build towards that based on diet and exercise. There's no magical formula that will take away the need to eat and lift weights as well as do cardio vascular exercise. While there are some that claim there's magic out there, it's not the case. You will want to employ all the things that you can to make sure that you are in the best shape of your life, and that means that you will need to put in some time in learning how to eat right, exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and stop shying away from the weight machines.
Are you looking for more information regarding How To Build Muscle? Visit today!
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Take Control Of Your Life With The Aid Of Depression Home Remedies

Take Control Of Your Life With The Aid Of Depression Home Remedies

Once in a while people get enveloped with sadness. This feeling is normal as long as you don't get overpowered that you will not be able to work and do other tasks; or your feeling will drive you to stop interacting with other people for a long time. If that is the case, then you may be experiencing depression.

The first step in getting a solution just like in any problem is admitting the fact that you do have a problem. Then the next step is to inform your family or friends about your condition and seek professional help. Depression home remedies are available which you can carry out on your own together with professional treatment.

Exercise is a natural depression treatment you can easily resort and it is not expensive. Through exercise, the release of the hormones called endorphins will be triggered. These hormones are related with the feeling of wellbeing. Another activity that may help you calm your mind and revert that negative feeling that holds you down is yoga. Getting a massage can also help lighten up your mood as reported by some people who had the experience.

You should never attempt using illegal drugs or alcohol no matter how inviting they may seem. Resorting to such will only aggravate your condition and not help you recover. It is better that you take a look at your diet and try changing it into healthy foods that will nourish your body and likewise uplift your mood. You should include in your meals the foods that are rich in selenium and omega-3 fatty acids like nuts, seafood, meat, fatty fish and dark green leafy vegetables.

You may consider using natural depression cures such as herbal supplements but you have to consult your doctor first to make sure that there won't be any negative reaction with your medication.

In some cases, other people experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a type of depression. This condition is triggered when a person does not get enough sunlight which affects the circadian rhythm of the body. Another effect of inadequate sunlight for a person is less production of serotonin by the body, which is a contributor to the feelings of wellbeing and happiness.

Still, the best remedy recommended to people who are suffering from SAD is to go outdoors. Although this is not totally doable during the winter or rainy seasons, an alternative can be used which is SAD light therapy where specially made lamps or lights that resemble the sun's light will be used indoors.

If you are a person who suffers from seasonal affective disorder or SAD and looking for an alternative treatment, check out this website for more information that can help you on your need and to help you understand your condition.
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Health Benefits of Essential Oils!

Health Benefits of Essential Oils!

Essential oils, aromatherapy, and herbal remedies have been in use for millennia. The talk in medical science is always about studying the effects of medications with multiple ongoing long term blind studies to prove efficacy. What better study is there than the evidence of thousands of years of use?
Find below some of the most common uses, remedies and health benefits of essential oils.


Besides freshening your breath peppermint also helps to combat nausea and other stomach issues. It can help stop itching and relax overworked muscles. Put a few drops in a bowl of hot water to help fight congestion as you breathe in the vapour. As a natural alternative to vapoRub it can help fight headaches and sore throats. Plus, it can also help you focus.


Lavender is one of the few essential oils safe enough to use undiluted. It's simply great at fighting bacteria as a natural anti-bacterial rub on sores or cuts. Its aromatherapy uses include calming anxiety, easing headaches and aiding digestion. Make sure you keep this oil around at all times.


Basil is one of the best natural oils for helping fight mental and physical fatigue. As its rich in beta-carotene it is also a healthy heart fighting oil providing powerful anti-oxidants, improving blood flow and cardiovascular health. You can treat your dry skin, acne or psoriasis with basil and be amazed at its effects.


As in the floral world, this oil is known as a great aid to women. Its aromatherapy effects help improve hormonal balance, treat PMS and menopause, help aid in issues in the bedroom and
increase the health of your skin.

Neem is amazing oil with hundreds of uses. It can be used as an anti-bacterial, viral, septic, diabetic, and fungal fighter. Plus, it is also used as purifier of blood and has spermicidal benefits. It also greatly reduces flatulence and removes catarrhal matter and phlegm from bronchial tubes.


Clove is used as the main ingredients in Tiger Balm, which is used on sore muscles. It is also used in many dental issues for sore gums, tooth pain, fighting bad breath (albeit with clove breath). Other benefits include clearing up earaches, digestion issues, stomach and headaches and nasal congestion. Lastly it's an aphrodisiac and therefore a stress reliever.


Also known as orange blossom oil it is considered super oil for skin maladies as it is great for any type of skin from young to old and dry to oily. This oil as aromatherapy is also known to treat depression by helping lift moods and increasing energy levels. It also treats kidney, prostrate, urinary and colon infections.

The few oil mentions above are but a tip of the iceberg. There are literally hundreds of oils with thousands of health benefits. Health benefits of essential oils are proven through thousands of years of use and the fact that many of their plants are used in commercial medicine prove their
worth. Would you rather not have a natural product?
J. Clay owns She loves Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for all their wonderful qualities! For more information on essential oils click here
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